Sunday, May 26, 2013

What our kids have been doing...

I like ice cream!
Such a happy, messy smile!
J & B
Joshua & his best friend Blake. We let Joshua have Blake over for a sleepover before they went stateside. The two boys had such a fun time putting on costumes.
Alexis in a homeschool program saying the Pledge of Allegiance.
Each student had a turn reading part of the story about a duck.
Prize giving
Lucas received his trophy during his baseball prize giving.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Allison's Birthday

We are back online! We were having computer problems and had to wait for 2 parts to come from the States. So, this blog entry takes us back to the beginning of April for my birthday. Dan and the kids took me to the Walter Sisulu Botanical Gardens and it was beautiful! I love being outside so it was a perfect way to celebrate!
A's bday-1
A's bday-2
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A's bday-7