Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!!

Merry Christmas!
We pray that you are all enjoying a blessed Christmas Day as we celebrate the birth of our Saviour! We enjoy being able to teach our children more about Baby Jesus with each year. We went to the Christmas service at our church this morning and Alexis was still singing the praise songs this afternoon. It was so sweet!

Our Christmas this year was unique once again. It was warm, dry and green. Roses are still in full bloom. We got together with friends this afternoon for a Mexican meal and games. Lucas and Alexis eventually played in the sprinkler in their swimsuits. They had a blast!

We do have a prayer answer to share. We finally got all the needed paperwork for Joshua's passport filled out and we should be receiving it very soon. We had 2 new experiences while we were at the U.S. Consulate that are worth sharing. Alexis had to use the bathroom and the automatic flusher surprised her right off the seat! Lucas saw me drink from a water fountain and gave me a weird look. I asked if he wanted a drink and explained that the water was ok to drink. He loved it! He took so many drinks there was water down his shirt and in a big puddle on the floor! Oh, the joy of modern things!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Foreman Fun #2

Foreman Fun #2
We enjoyed taking Dan's parents & brother to our church. They were able to watch Lucas & Alexis in their kids Christmas program. They sang Christmas songs and then put on their swimsuits for a slip-n-slide, end-of-the-year party! It's hard to think "Christmas" when it's so warm and there is no snow, no lights, no boots/mittens/scarves, etc. Instead we're getting suntans (burns really) and going barefoot. We have done a little decorating in our home. We put up our 18 inch tree and stockings! There are a few pictures of when we all played mini golf. That's it for now since a little boy is calling my name....Have a super day!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Fun with the Foremans!

Foreman Fun!
Dan's parents and his older brother, Joel, arrived on Monday, Nov. 30. We gave them a day to get over jet lag and then we were off! We wanted to see some new sights as well as show them some of our favorites. We visited a Rhino & Lion game park and saw lots of animals. They watched Lucas' first baseball game (those pics are already on our blog) and visited a Dutch bakery near our home. This was of particular interest since both Lee & Jean's families are from Holland. They enjoyed watching Lucas as a shepherd and Alexis as an angel in the younger kids Christmas play at our church. We also heard the Johannesburg orchestra perform a Christmas concert. They attended a large braai (BBQ) at Dan's office and have spent countless hours holding Joshua and entertaining Lucas & Alexis. We have played many games of Rummikub and enjoyed reruns of "I Love Lucy" and Bob Newhart. In a nutshell, we have had a wonderful time so far and have a few more adventures planned before they leave on Sunday.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

More fun with Grandma!

More fun with mom!
My mom was a huge help the whole time she was here! We wanted to make sure she was also able to enjoy the sights of South Africa so in the last 2 weeks of her visit we tried to take her to fun places. We visited several restaurants and malls besides some of the other things we've shared previously. We found a few more souvenirs but she had a few surprises up her sleeve as well. Check out the picture of the gift she brought in one of her suitcases! She definitely deserves the "Expert Packer" award. We enjoyed playing many table games - especially Rummikub. We laughed at the amount of pictures we took of Joshua as we tried to create our own backgrounds for his "photo sessions" in our bedroom. We are pleased to announce that our 3rd child doesn't appear to be lacking in the picture department as of yet. We also had fun decorating our 18 inch, 25 cent, Walmart special Christmas tree. It doesn't really feel like Christmas with 80 degree weather but we are trying to at least make it look a little like Christmas. It was a wonderful blessing to have my mom come. We had a fantastic time together and saying goodbye is always hard. We love you mom and we miss you!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Play Ball!

Lucas' first baseball game.
Lucas played in his first baseball game yesterday! We heard about the league through a friend here and they had a team for 4-6 year olds. This was great for a little boy with lots of energy! The team's name is the IMPS (not something we'd pick but...). Lucas had 3 base hits and was so cute to watch because he didn't want to stop at first base. He ran all the way home 2 different times and we had to get him to run back to first base and stay there! He has two coaches and they are great at making the practices and games so much fun for the kids.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The Pretoria Zoo

Pretoria Zoo & other Misc.
We enjoyed a visit to the Pretoria Zoo with my mom and want to share those pictures with you. It's always fun to see so many animals! There are also a few misc. pictures that we included just for fun! We hope you are having a great day!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Irene Market & Adventure Golf

Market & Golf
We enjoyed taking my mom to visit a few places here in Johannesburg each week. These pics are from early November and are of a trip to an outdoor African market and to play mini-golf. It was fun seeing life through her eyes. We've forgotten how unusual our life can sometimes be. One such thing we didn't get a picture of but it was an awesome sight. We saw the back of a dump truck packed full of guys going home from work. They were all standing and holding on to each other or the side of the truck-had to be at least 50 or more of them.

My mom just flew back to the U.S. two days ago and it was such a blessing having her here! We'll share more of our pictures over the next few days.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Friday, November 20, 2009

The Bunny Farm

Bunny Farm, etc.
Well, it's been raining for 5 days straight so I've had some extra "inside time" to get a few things done. We didn't know when we moved here that we could get sunburns one weekend and be freezing cold the next! We've heard that the weather has been very unusual this year. If only we hadn't told my mom to just pack summer clothes.....whoops! On one of the warmer days we were able to visit a bunny farm. The kids had a blast and we were glad for an outing. Here's a few pics of that as well as some of Joshua and other things we did with my mom. Enjoy!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

A Princess Birthday

Alexis' 3rd Birthday
Alexis celebrated her 3rd birthday on October 29. The color of the day was "pink" and the theme was "princess." She had a wonderful time and we hope you enjoy these photos of her special day!

Friday, November 6, 2009

She'll be coming on an airplane when she comes!

Grandma comes to visit
Well, we have survived our first normal week with Joshua at home and it has been wonderful. He is a very good baby and Lucas and Alexis just love to hold him and give him kisses. This also allowed me the opportunity to work on showing you more pictures. So, here's a few from when my mom landed in Johannesburg on Wed., Oct. 21 after her first ever international flight. It was quite the experience for her and she had a great time. She was simply glad to be here before Joshua was born and now she can enjoy all our children the whole time she's here.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

To the Hospital Again

Baby Joshua came home Sunday afternoon but by Wednesday morning he was not doing so well. We noticed that his color had changed a bit and we had him tested for jaundice. His levels were elevated enough that the doctor requested that we bring him back to the hospital. We didn't know at that time that we'd have to leave him there for 2 days and nights. That was hard on mom and dad but Joshua was able to come back home by Friday morning. We are so thankful that he is doing very well now. It was a bit of a stressful time as Alexis celebrated her 3rd birthday on Thursday so inbetween the birthday festivities we made 3 trips to the hospital to visit Joshua. We are so glad that is all behind us and our family is home and healthy! Alexis had a great birthday and we'll get those pics up soon. For now we just wanted to show you Joshua's new shades!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Welcome Joshua Lee Foreman!

Baby Joshua
Joshua Lee Foreman was born on October 23 at 11:17pm. He weighs 5 lbs. 14 oz. and is 19 inches long. He enjoys eating, sleeping, cuddling and watching Husker football.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Botswana and Beyond

Botswana and Beyond
I’ve heard a few interesting phrases recently and thought they were interesting enough to share. I heard a lady at church mention that she had a “jolly time” at one of their recent functions. She seemed pretty “jolly” herself! Another lady asked me if I wanted to “plunk down.” Yep, I decided to stay where I was. Someone asked our children if they would like “a drink of orange squash.” Are you kidding? No way! But then we learned it’s the South African equivalent of Kool-aid and it really is quite okay after all! We were invited to a “braai” yesterday and enjoyed BBQ hamburgers, hot dogs, and steaks. Lucas and Alexis love to ride in the kid trolley at the store. I usually find a smaller shopping cart for myself. The grocery stores are so large that Dan and I usually divide and conquer our shopping list.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Oh, Shame!

After living the last year in a Muslim dominated country in West Africa where shame is such a negative and powerful part of the culture, it is so odd to hear South Africans say, “oh, shame” as such a natural part of almost every conversation. I have finally discovered that “oh, shame” is similar to saying “okay” or “that’s too bad” in American culture. It is one of the weirdest adjustments I’ve had to make.

On a lighter note, when you go grocery shopping and look for strawberry jelly just make sure you buy jam because if you buy jelly you’ll end up with jello!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Adventures in August

August 2009
Hello everyone! Thank you for your patience as I gradually get more updates on our blog. This pregnancy has slowed me down a bit more than I would have imagined. We spent the month of August mostly getting settled into a routine at home and exploring various parks on the weekends. There are many parks but it's tricky to find a public park. Many parks are gated so you have to be connected to the school/business/neighborhood to get in or you have to buy something at a restaurant to use their park/play area. We did have some success and found a great park near our house and have enjoyed several picnics as well. The next few pictures of the kids are courtesy of Allison's portrait studio. Haha. Since we haven't had access to getting some really nice pics done of the kids, I've decided to practice my photography skills and see what happens. So, we hope you enjoy the pictures and have a great weekend!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Lucas on his bike

Lucas on his bike
Well, a couple Saturdays ago we went to a nearby park to play and let Lucas ride his bicycle. He saw a girl a little older than him riding without training wheels. He decided he wanted to ride like her. So, the following day we went back to the park. Lucas hopped on his bike without training wheels and took off! Dan walked near him for the first few minutes but Lucas didn’t need help. There’s no slowing him down now!

Friday, August 14, 2009

South Africa Tidbits

This past Sunday I did more driving-probably a good 20 minutes. But I spent all my time focusing on coordinating driving a stickshift and Dan had to keep telling me to watch out for the curb and to stay in the middle of the road. Because the steering wheel is on the right side of the car I have no concept of how much space the car is taking up to the left of me. It’s so weird. It will take lots more practice before I drive by myself. It’s so nice to drive on real roads on Sundays because hardly anyone is out. Nothing is open in the afternoon so there’s no reason for people to be out unless they’re learning to drive like me. 

Lucas just came and asked for milk. That’s been a highlight and the most purchased item on our grocery list. We love that we have fresh milk again!!!! Dan’s so happy to have a toaster and loves having toast for breakfast almost every morning. Alexis is happy that Rice Krispies is one of the most popular cereals here. I’m happy that I can find brown sugar! Our first few trips to the grocery store were overwhelming to say the least. Several of the stores remind us of Wal-mart but we haven’t seen that much stuff in one place in a long time. The aisles were long and there were so many choices.

Figuring out prices is a whole different game. In Dakar we used “cfa.” For awhile 500 cfa = about $1. So we learned to divide everything by 500. Not so hard. Here the currency is called the rand. Right now $1 = about 8 rand. I just have to keep remembering to divide by the right number! And cooking using Celsius, grams and milliliters is a little tricky when my recipes are in cups, tablespoons and teaspoons! I must admit that so far everything I’ve cooked has turned out fine and my math skills have greatly improved!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

A Morning Adventure

We were watching Mary Poppins just last night when I happened to see a mouse run out into the living room and back behind some boxes. We looked all over but never found him. At 4am I heard some scratching on the door. I got up and closed the door to our bedroom thinking he was still in the living room and we’d get him later. Then the scratching came from a different part of our bedroom. I sat straight up in bed and Dan acknowledged he’d heard it too. Oh my! The mouse finally came running out from under our bed and Dan got him! Good thing because I wouldn’t have been able to go back to sleep! We really do experience something new here everyday!

The Lion Park

Lion Park

One of the most popular things to do when visiting Johannesburg is to visit the Lion Park. We were excited to visit the four lion sections but first we had some other fun that included feeding a giraffe and petting lion cubs. We took a drive through one part of the game park that had antelope, zebra, wildebeest, ostrich and other animals. Then we drove through the lion part of the park. We chose to view the lions after they had been fed because we knew they’d be more active. We weren’t disappointed! We were able to view lions that were often within 5 feet of our car and the guys really liked it when a couple of them fought over a chunk of meat. So, here are some snapshots of our adventure!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Our First Visitors

Crocodile Farm
We were absolutely delighted to have Dan’s youngest brother and his wife come to visit us in South Africa! Stephen & Kelli left Kodiak, Alaska, and literally traveled halfway around the world to come and see us. What a treat that was! Our week together was full of laughter and many adventures. I’m going to blog our sightseeing trips separately because otherwise it might be picture overload. These pics share our visit to the Crocodile Farm. We were really interested in watching the “feeding time” which is only on weekends so the last 3 pictures in this group may be a bit much for some of you but hey – at least I didn’t include the video!

We also wanted to share what it is like to go to church here. We have visited 2 very nice churches and they remind us of the U.S. The preaching is excellent and the songs are familiar. The only difference is watching everyone sit with their winter coats on during the whole service. We’ve noticed if we move around more during worship we do stay a bit warmer! And there is something here about “fresh air.” No matter what the temperature people want to have windows open so there is plenty of “fresh air.” We noticed they were open in the sanctuary and often people will open the windows in their bathrooms as well. Brrrr! I’m afraid we haven’t gotten that desperate for “fresh air” yet!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Happy Birthday Lucas!

Lucas's 4th Birthday
Lucas celebrated his 4th birthday on July 8 which was about one week after we arrived. We had him open his presents from us after breakfast. His ‘big” gift was a new bike since we’d left a few of his “big” toys in Dakar. They just wouldn’t fit in a suitcase. Anyway, I realized I haven’t yet taken a picture of it but he sure loves it. We also planned a pizza party in the evening for him. We invited 5 other couples that he knows really well. 3 of the couples he knew from Dakar so it was special to have people he was familiar with. The biggest blessing was finding a Spiderman cupcake mix complete with the muffin cup, icing and sprinkles. I almost cried with relief in the store when I found it and would definitely declare it as a “Praise God” moment.

It is fun to see how our kids have grown in the last few months. Lucas is now very into superheroes and “flies” around our house in his Batman pjs. His job is to save the Princess (Alexis). To help Alexis play her part we bought her a Cinderella nightgown. She loves to decide if Lucas is protecting Belle, Cinderella or White Snow (aka Snow White). *Be warned; you can only shoot fire from your arm if you have a cape on!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Dakar to Johannesburg - Sweatin' to Shiverin'

Dakar to Johannesburg
Sweatin’ to Shiverin.’ Morning temps: 87 degrees to 57 degrees (both inside our house). Sea level to 5,000 feet above. Fans set on high to electric radiators, gas heaters, space heaters and heating pads on our beds. Anyway you look at it the weather shock was intense for us. Flowers are still blooming and the grass is green but oh, it’s a little chilly for us West African people. Oh, and did I mention adapters? We have more sticking out of every outlet than you can imagine!

We’ve enjoyed seeing the change through our children’s eyes as well. Lucas has many questions. Why is there grass? Where is the sand? Why do you have to wait for the light to turn green to go? (Traffic in Dakar was really a giant free-for-all, Johannesburg has organized traffic and we have to pay attention to every sign.) We have had to teach Alexis not to take rocks out of people’s yards because they’ve paid for them to be a decoration. She loves rocks so we still let her keep the ones in the street.

We have visited the mall. Our hope was that we wouldn’t look like hillbillies seeing things that look so modern after such a long time without it. (I think we did ok.) We rode the escalator many times and the kids loved finding shopping carts they could ride in. After running into several people while walking in the mall, we realized we not only drive on the left side of the road, we are supposed to walk on the left side of any path. That takes getting used to but we are beginning to have to say “excuse me” a lot less.

We’ve enjoyed learning a few new words. A man came to fix the carriage door in our townhouse. The first thing we had to buy were nappies. We had chips with our sandwiches and crisps with our hot dogs. We push our children in prams. There are robots at the major intersections. After we go shopping we put our groceries in the boot. Here’s the translation. A man came to fix our garage door. We had to buy diapers. Chips are French fries and crisps are chips. Children get pushed in strollers, stoplights are at the major intersections and car trunks are called boots.

Dan had a young lady at the mall tell him, “Oh, you have such a cool accent!” We just laughed because we don’t think we’re the ones with the accent! Then at breakfast today Lucas wanted Dan to pray in French. So, Dan did. Then Lucas said, “That was a short prayer!” Well, yes, we don’t remember quite as much French as we’d like.

We have moved into our townhouse in a gated community. There are 48 other homes and we were able to attend a neighborhood party the day we moved in. The fun feature about our home is that we have a loft and the kids love to play up there! Oh, and we have a small yard with grass which we all love! It does take a lot to heat our home. We learned from Dan’s co-worker that people who’ve lived here awhile go through a 9 kilogram gas can about every 25 days. Whoops! Ours was empty in 3 and a half days! What can I say? We chose to live in Africa because we like to be warm! We did have someone tell us that the winter has been unusually cold here this year. Huh! When we arrived in Dakar last summer they told us it was unusually hot. What is it with our family and extreme weather??

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Ready to Fly!

June 2009 Adventures
Well, we are headed to Johannesburg, South Africa in just a few hours. Our ride comes at 4am and our flight leaves at 7am. We are packed and very ready to go! It was a little hard putting our kids to bed in long sleeves and jeans with it being so hot (we cranked all our fans) but we are going to experience weather shock when we arrive in Johannesburg tomorrow evening. It could be a 40 degree difference! I can't say I wouldn't mind a little cool weather for awhile though.

We have had a very busy couple of weeks saying many goodbyes to IMB friends and to our Senegalese friends. We were very proud of Lucas for giving his scooter to our neighbor boy across the street. He did it with a joyful heart even though it was hard. We couldn't get it to fold up and fit in a suitcase. We were excited, however, to discover that Alexis' little kitchen could pop apart pretty easily so the pieces did fit in several suitcases. It is encouraging for the kids when they see their familiar toys coming along. Thank you for your prayers as we experience this new adventure in our lives!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

What a Weekend!

Fun with our Friends!
The weekend of May 23-24 was one huge party! We had adventures at the beach and Magic Land with 3 other IMB families. The fun part is that each family has 2 kids almost the same ages as Lucas and Alexis. 8 adults and 8 kids made for a really fun time! This was a special time for all of us because we don't know if our kids will ever be together like this again. One family was leaving for stateside assignment, another returned to their village in Senegal the following week, another is moving to South America and we are moving to South Africa. But our kids have developed friendships over the last year and this was a time to celebrate!

Friday, June 5, 2009

May Fun-#2!

May 2009-#2
After a couple of quieter "winter" months, we've had a couple of wonderful opportunities to play with other kids this month. These pics show a few of those moments.

There are still things about the culture that surprise us and make us laugh or look at each other in wonder. Here's a small sampling....First, our closest good grocery store has started selling cow tongues and rabbits. The rabbits really took me by surprise and not just because I've never even seen one here. They skin 'em, wrap 'em in saran wrap and place them in the front of the meat display. They still have their eyes & ears so it weirds me out a little every time I see them. Then just the other week the garbage guys went on strike. Trash piles up fast but we were still surprised the next week when the garbage truck came 6 days in a row! Lastly, our night guard's name is Arfone. He's a very nice young man but he will often ring our doorbell right when we're putting our kids to bed. He'll ask Dan to park 2-3 inches closer to the building or tell him that he needs to turn the tires so they're totally straight. The Senegalese seem to be perfectionists when it comes to parking!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Fun in May!

May Pics 2009
Here are some pictures of the things that kept us busy in the beginning of May. We enjoyed a Saturday morning at the beach. We want to enjoy that as much as possible because who knows if we'll ever live by the ocean again! Then we attended Kids for Kids Day - a fundraiser at a local school. We went with some friends and the kids had a blast! The rest are just photos of those "special moments" we want to capture and treasure forever.

Now for a few fun stories of things that have happened recently. We were eating breakfast the other day when Lucas asked, "Are there fruit guys in America?" This was followed by Alexis asking, "Do we use silverware in America?" It is so fun to teach kids about different cultures. We are often surprised by their questions but it gives amazing insight into how they think. I have to share about our experience the other day as we drove into downtown Dakar. We were on an on-ramp and the cars were all stopped in front of us. Dan asked me if I could see what the problem was. Yeah! Someone was actually stopped at the stop sign! That is a rare thing here. You could cause an accident if you stop at a stop sign. They are more of a colorful decoration that reminds you to look over your shoulder before continuing on. We will certainly have to check our driving habits upon re-entry to the U.S.!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

ESL Class and Tea Time

ESL Class & Tea time
I have enjoyed teaching an ESL class for the last 4 months. The ladies were delightful and we had such a fun time together. I usually taught the first 30-45 minutes and then one of two ladies (Jami or Helen) would then read a Bible story in Wolof. The ladies heard a total of 24 stories in the class. The class actually began in October by two young girls here on a short-term assignment. I began teaching at the end of December.

I mostly taught a lot of vocabulary - names of food, clothing, numbers, shapes, colors, emotions, household items, etc. I tried to find things that would be helpful for them as they work for English speaking missionaries. The ladies enjoyed learning about different holidays/celebrations. Thanksgiving, Christmas and Valentine's Day are pretty much the same. But weddings, the birth of a baby, and the 4th of July are very different. Here the men pay for the entire wedding and a week after a baby is born, the baby's head is shaved and the name of the child is decided and announced. We also had fun acting out "going to the grocery store" with Alexis' play food and charades as they learned different verbs. On our last night of class I made apple crisp and brought ice cream to share. It was a fun way to end our time together.

There are also some good pictures of Ibrahima teaching Dan how to make tea. We even had to go buy the teapot and glasses but we are so glad to have learned how to do this great tradition. Men make and share tea as a sign of friendship. It typically takes over an hour to complete the whole process usually including 3 pots of green tea. And yes, the amount of sugar is amazing! We tried to explain the process with each picture so hopefully you can follow along easily.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Coming this fall...

April Fun 2009
Well, the lastest news in our home is this - that we are expecting little Foreman #3 in early November! We are very excited for this wonderful blessing! Lucas and Alexis are also quite excited about the "baby growing in mommy's tummy." We had our first OB visit last week and the sonogram was great. The doctor even took time to count the fingers and toes. So fun! Now you also know why our blog updates have been so infrequent. The morning (noon & night) sickness has put several things on hold for us but thankfully I'm at 14 weeks and things are slowly looking up!

So the pictures we are sharing today are just fun ones we took of the kids during the month of April. April contained a few fun events for us. I (Allison) celebrated my 31st birthday. My brother and his wife had a beautiful baby girl so our kids are so excited to have 2 cousins now! I was able to shop with another missionary lady and pick up a few Dakar souvenirs. Lucas reminded us once again how much energy he really has stored up in his little body. The missionary school by our house has a soccer field/track and one evening Lucas ran 6 laps barefoot with only a little breather between each lap and to make sure we were still watching him. We've never seen anything like it!

Well, that's all for now. Have a SUPER day!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Easter in Africa

Easter 2009
Hello everyone! We know Easter was several weeks ago but we thought you might enjoy these pics anyway. The first little bunch is from our church. We will never forget that 3 hour service! The second little bunch of pictures is actually from the day before Easter. We got together with many other IMB missionaries for a cookout, Easter egg hunt, games, and fellowship. I hope you are able to see what a fun time it was for us!

Friday, April 17, 2009

March Happenings

March Fun - 2009
Hello family and friends! I'm sorry I didn't realize so much time had gone by since I last updated our blog. These pictures are a collection of different things that happened in the month of March like Dan's birthday, Lucas finishing potty training and my buying a traditional Senegalese dress. The others are just for fun. Enjoy!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Dinosaurs, Pumpkins, and other Fun Stories

2 Cute Kids!
Well, since our last blog we've had time to compile a few fun stories that we hope you will enjoy!

Lucas and I (Allison) were talking at breakfast one morning about how my ankle sometimes hurts. The tile floors here are hard on feet and legs. I told Lucas that I'd broken my ankle when I was 13 and it hurts from time to time. He asked, "Was that before dinosaurs were dead or after?" Thanks a lot!

One evening last week we lost electricity so I went to find some candles. I was having trouble opening the package when Lucas said, "Mommy, I can do it for you. I have smart fingers."

This story actually happened in January but it's too cute to pass up. Alexis picked up a toy hammer and said, "I'm gonna bang your head. Okay, Mommy?" What???? No way!

While driving around Alexis likes to ask Dan these questions about once a week: "Daddy, do you want to eat sheep? Do you want to eat cow? Do you want to eat horse?" Then we get to help her understand what's better to eat and what is not.

Lucas and I were reading about Moses and the burning bush. He wanted to know why Moses didn't have shoes on. He was very concerned he would get worms in his feet. (Yes! He's listening!) I laughed as I tried to explain that God told him to take his shoes off so God would protect his feet too!

We decided to surprise the kids by setting up an Easter egg hunt for them to find one morning. Lucas found it and came running to our room saying there were little things all over the living room. We asked him what they were and after a long pause he said, "Pumpkins!"

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Family Fun Nights!

Movie Night
One of the great things about living in Africa is the slower pace of life. There are a few scenic places to visit (we have seen them)and a few adventures to have (we've done most of them)and then there is free time. We don't have movie theaters, shopping centers, bowling alleys, etc. but we do have lots of time to be together as a family. So, we wanted to share a few of the things that we do since we have family fun nights, well....every night!

A family favorite is "Hide and Seek". Dan is most creative in his hiding and the kids love looking for him with their flashlights. We play in the dark regardless of whether or not we have electricity. We play "Duck, Duck, Goose." Alexis and I (Allison) played this tonight which was a little tricky with only the 2 of us but we did make it work! We race through our apartment or play "Tag." Sometimes we sing along with a worship DVD or do silly tricks on our gymnastics mat. Every other week we take a walk to Dakar Academy and check out books. This helps us to slow down our adventurous evenings! But by far, Lucas and Alexis' favorite way to spend an evening is with a movie and popcorn.

Here's a fun story from the last time we walked to check out books. We arrived after school was out and as we were walking by some classrooms, Lucas found one that was open. He popped in and saw an African man sitting at the teacher's desk. He promptly said, "Je m'apelle Lucas" which means "My name is Lucas." I laughed when I realized he had just spoken to the French teacher!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Various Activities from February

February - random pics of life
February held some fun events for us - Dan's softball tournament, playing in the park, Valentine's Day, Lucas smashing his thumb, and of course we have included a few cultural pictures of Dakar because there are always things happening that amaze us! Enjoy!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Our Trip to Henriette's Village

Henriette's village
Here are quite a few pictures from our trip last Saturday. Enjoy!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Poulet Yassa

Poulet Yassa
Poulet Yassa is a Senegalese meal that we eat quite often. It is Dan and Alexis' favorite meal and our house helper, Henriette, makes it for us almost every other Tuesday.

Check out for this and other West African recipes!

Poulet is the French word for "chicken". So, basically it's a meal made with LOTS of rice, a whole chicken (cut up and cooked), diced vegetables, and an onion sauce made with LOTS and LOTS of onions. Henriette used to slice 6-7 onions before realizing that was just a few too many for our taste. Even when she slices 3-4 it makes my eyes water! The onions however are Alexis' favorite part. She picks them out of the sauce and eats them like spaghetti noodles.

Our pictures include one large dish of Poulet Yassa with several spoons around it. This is how you eat with a large gathering of people. Each person has their own "pie-shaped" space in front of them and they only eat within those boundaries. No crossing over to eat something on another part of the plate! It is a little tricky to pull chicken off the bone with a spoon and you most definitely are not allowed to use your left hand to help in anyway!

There are also a few pictures from Le Ricef, a restaurant on the westernmost tip of the peninsula with a beautiful view of the ocean. Check out what Dan got for dinner. The presentation of the meal surprised him quite a bit!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Worms, worms, worms...

We have de-wormed! What??? It is recommended that missionaries living in West Africa de-worm every 6 months. Thankfully the process is simple. Dan and I each take one pill of Vermox and the kids each drink one small bottle of Zentel. Good thing Alexis only had to drink one bottle because she didn't like the taste of it at all. On the other hand, Lucas would have taken hers too if we would've let him! What kind of worms are we talking about? Well, the kind that live in your stomach, for example. They cause all kinds of nice things I won't mention but I'm sure you can imagine. Thankfully, we haven't had to experience this and our de-worming was merely a precaution.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Fly Swatters & Mosquitos

So, I was sitting on Lucas' bed writing this blog in my mind when whzzzzzzzzz - ANOTHER mosquito flew by my ear. Aargh! Good thing we have a fly swatter! We didn't think to bring one to Africa so we consider it the best gift given to us by another missionary family. They understood the need for each family to own one!

So, let's talk mosquitos. We rarely find any in Alexis' room but there are always some in Lucas' room. Each night before we put him to bed we check the whole room and yes, they do hide in the toys but mostly on the walls and curtains. We check his room again before we go to sleep a couple of hours later. Last night we missed one so we moved a sleeping Lucas to the living room and went on mosquito patrol. Good thing we did because we got four of 'em! Then we found 2 in our room so you can quickly see how much our fly swatter gets used!

The good news is that during the dry season (right now) we have only 3 main flying bugs that invade our house and the mosquitos are the only ones we keep an eye on. The flies would rather have our food and the heart-shaped ones just stay on the walls. During the rainy season we add 2 more fun ones. Then we have mango flies which can give a person mango worms (not fun-you get rid of the possibility of mango worms by ironing ALL your clothes and yes, that includes socks and underwear). We also have these really weird slow-flying black bugs. I don't know what they do but they are certainly the least fun to look at.

Well, I was going to say on a positive note that I hadn't seen a cockroach in a long time but I got one in the bathroom last night. Rats! Oh, wait...that was just an expression! Thank goodness we don't have those too!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Park Day & Magic Land

Park Day & Magicland
The park pictures are from a playground that is next to the field where Dan plays softball. We later visited Magic Land (an amusement park here in Dakar) with another missionary couple and their son's family who came to visit from the U.S. Lucas loved having 3 more boys to play with! When we were all done at Magicland, Lucas pulled me aside and said, "Mom, they're white!" I just smiled and asked if he like playing with kids who spoke the same language. He nodded with a grin on his face. The kids had such a fun day!

Friday, January 30, 2009

Life as Lucas sees it!

Hi! This is Lucas. I like living in Africa and wanted to share about some things I do here.

I help Henriette, our househelper, take out the trash. Usually the garbage truck comes 2 times a week. The truck honks really loud for a long time and then we know it's time to take out our trash. We have to hurry not to miss it. I help carry the trash if there's a small bag otherwise I just walk with Henriette and have fun saying hello to people.

Sometimes I get to go down the street to a little store to buy a long stick of bread for supper. My daddy goes with me but I get to buy the bread by myself. I like it because I get to carry the money. I buy the bread from a man named Mohammed and sometimes he gives me a sucker as a treat.

My favorite foods to eat here are rice and boiled eggs. Our househelper makes a traditional Senegalese meal every Tuesday for us. The meal always includes rice, chicken or beef, and often has sliced boiled eggs on top.

My daddy joined a softball team here in our city and I love to watch him play. I like to wear a blue shirt like my dad. There is a cool playground for Alexis and I to play on near the baseball field where daddy plays. It's right by the ocean. My mommy buys us Cracker Jack and we like to eat it while we watch daddy play. I always bring my hat, glove, bat, and ball. I have 2 gloves. One for each hand because I am left-handed.

There is LOTS of traffic. Sometimes we sit in our car and don't move for a long time. Lots of people walk or ride in a taxi or bus. One time it took us 3 hours to get home (we were 20 minutes from our apartment) so mommy let us get out of our car seats and stand up inside the car.

My mommy and daddy shop at a store called Le Caddie. Usually my mommy goes into buy the food while Alexis and I play in the car with daddy. Every week my mom takes us on a walk to go to different store to buy a loaf of bread. My mommy also buys fruit from a guy who comes by our house. We like to eat green apples, bananas and oranges. Sometimes the fruit guy will give us a small orange as a gift.

Africa is hot. Sometimes when we don't have electricity mommy will let me sleep on the floor where it is cooler. Many of the people here speak French. I can count to 10 and say hello to people but I get frustrated when I hear my mommy and daddy say a lot of words I don't know. Our family prays for our neighbors. My parents say they have never heard about Jesus before but we can help them learn who He is.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Reserve De Bandia

Reserve De Bandia
We did it! There are 2 main tourist attractions here in Dakar and we have now visited the 2nd - The wild game Reserve De Bandia! (The first was Goree Island.) It took us about 90 minutes to drive out there and then we hired a tour guide who rode around in our truck for another 90 minutes. The guides have a heads-up on where the animals can be found each day. We rolled our windows down and enjoyed searching for animals. It's a large game park with 1,500 animals and we just drove until we spotted an animal and then followed it. Although we've seen these animals before at various zoos, it's different to be 15 feet away and looking out your window at them.

There are also a few random pictures of cultural things here that still surprise us. (More blogs on that to come.) There are some pictures of the kids at a park very near our house. That was a great experience for us and we'd like to go back often as a way of meeting kids and parents. Oh, and we did finally find bread, hamburger and chicken!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Adventures in Africa

Living in Africa constantly teaches us new things. This weekend Alexis was sick and needed something like Pedialyte which is found in the U.S. Well, we got to experience making our own oral rehydrating solution (water, sugar & salt) and trying to get her to drink it. We took Alexis to the doctor this morning and received an antibiotic for her but it looked a whole lot different than we expected! It was a bottle with white powder in it. We had to add a certain amount of water, mix it and then give her the right number of mL (milliliters) with a syringe. What a learning experience!
We also had a challenging grocery shopping experience. I sent Dan to the store for bread and hamburger meat. Hah! He had no idea what he was in for! He went to four boulangeries (bread stores) and there was no bread to be found. What this means is that there was NO BREAD. I mean there’s no one who will go to the back of the store and find you a loaf that has been saved and not put out on the shelf yet. There is simply no bread so you eat something else. Our househelper today confirmed that she has not been able to find bread for 3 days. There was no hamburger meat Saturday and there still isn’t any today. The store we use is also out of chicken so we will have to be creative with the meals we can make. (I could probably go to the market and buy a live chicken but you won’t find me doing that anytime soon!) It’s amazing how we’ve learned to make do when things simply aren’t available. I am thankful that I have not heard one complaint from anyone in the family. We are learning to be content with what we have and that’s so cool.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Our 8th Anniversary and a Merry Christmas!

Christmas 2008-Part 2
On December 23, we celebrated our 8th anniversary with a date night to a fabulous restaurant called The Black Pearl. We'd heard they had a wonderful chocolate dessert and we had to check it out. We each ordered a Heart Fountain of Chocolate and it was just delicious! We enjoyed a warm Christmas (about 80 degrees). Lucas and Alexis loved that we opened presents on Christmas Eve because we opened more presents with our families on Skype on Christmas Day. We truly had a wonderful first Christmas here in West Africa! The day after Christmas we visited a small zoo here in our neighborhood. It was a very interesting experience...You can get VERY close to the animals. However, Lucas didn't like it when the gorillas threw rocks at him or dirt at Daddy and Alexis. It cost our family less than $2 for a few hours of memorable entertainment so it was worth it!