Thursday, January 31, 2013

Lucas - 2nd grade & Cricket

Our 2nd grader!
2nd grade
Lucas is loving second grade even though his best buddy at school is in the other class. There are 15 kids in his class and he definitely has homework each night. He was so excited last week to be chosen for the Grade 2&3 Mini-Cricket team. They played their first match this past Monday and tied 66-66. Cricket is a sport we are still learning and Lucas has been teaching us quite a bit so far. I thought I'd include a couple of pics from his match. You'll see him in his Cricket gear, then he got a turn to bowl (pitch) and then he had a turn at bat.
Cricket game-1
Cricket game-2
Cricket game-3

Monday, January 21, 2013

Time to say Goodbye

Family photo
Good cooking!
We were really spoiled on several occasions by Leland and Jean's cooking. Leland made his homemade pizza for us 3 times and Jean made cinnamon rolls (and taught Allison). She also made Dan a lemon pie and a banana cream pie. Whew! That was really good stuff!
Milky Lane-1
We took Leland Jean to Milky Lane for their belated birthday treat!
Milky Lane-2
I love how kids look at a menu and pick the coolest thing they see. Great choice Alexis!
Milky Lane-3
Thank you Grandma & Grandpa Foreman! We had a wonderful time!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

The Lion Park

The Lion Park-1
Wow! What a picture for Africa! We had an awesome visit to the Lion Park on Tuesday. We got to pet 3 month old lion cubs, feed a giraffe and drive through 4 lion enclosures, 1 wild dog enclosure and a cheetah enclosure. We learned that lion cubs are allowed to be petted until 8 months and then they are moved to the "teenage" area. They were several lion cubs that were 6 months old and they were already quite large! It is such an experience to be up close and personal with them. Alexis wasn't too sure about touching any animals that day but she did enjoy looking at them. And when we took the picture up above with the giraffe we had to be very careful because it was eating something and spit was flying out in long strings. Gross! Thankfully it was a windy day so all that drool flew over our heads! Click on the pic below of Lucas & Joshua petting a lion cub to see lots more!
The Lion Park-2
The Lion Park-3
The Lion Park-4
The Lion park-5
The Lion Park-6
We visited Horwood Farm on Sunday afternoon. We like to spend our Sunday afternoons at a park with our kids. Grandma & Grandpa were very busy watching their grandchildrens' special tricks!
Horwood Farm

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Bunny Park & Papachino's

Whew! We have lots of pictures and events to keep up with! We have certainly been having LOTS of fun with Grandma & Grandpa! Click on the pic below to see more!
Bunny Park
Then for dinner that night we went to a new restaurant called Papachino's. It was a great pizza place and very kid friendly. The kids got to make their own pizzas! Click below to see more.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Rebekah's 1st Birthday!

Rebekah's Bday-1
Rebekah's Bday-2
Rebekah celebrated her first birthday on December 31. We chose to wait to eat her cake until after Dan's parents arrived. That was a good decision because Rebekah actually had a miserable birthday with a high fever. She slept most of the day. But we've managed over several other days to finally compile a set of birthday snapshots to share with you! Enjoy!
Rebekah's Bday-3
Rebekah's Bday-4
Rebekah's Bday-5
We had to add this photo as well because it was really Rebekah's first Christmas!
Rebekah's 1st Christmas!

Our 12th Anniversary!

Our 12th Anniversary!
On December 23 we celebrated 12 years of marriage! Wow! We just went out for dinner this week (since Grandma & Grandpa can watch the kids) to a restaurant called African Tribes. You can order all kinds of meat - kudu, impala, ostrich or warthog to name a few. We chose something we knew we'd like. Dan ordered a Tribal Skewer which had several kinds of meat on a huge 3 foot skewer. Too bad I forgot my camera that night! It was quite a sight.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Hartbeespoort Dam Vacation

Grandpa & Rebekah
Hartbeespoort Dam Vacation
We had a wonderful vacation at Hartbeespoort Dam!!! We stayed in a really nice house with its own little pool. That's really all the kids wanted to do anyway. They'd start asking at 7:30am when they could swim. They were in the pool usually by 8:30am! Most of our time went like this: eat, swim, eat, swim, nap, swim, eat, swim. Our kids couldn't have been happier! The water was chilly but it was about 90 degrees and with no A/C and only fans....well, the water felt great! So much laughing, splashing, giggling and screaming. All what a good vacation should be! Click on the picture of Lucas jumping in to see lots more fun water pics.
Pilanesberg National Park
On Wednesday we made a trip to Pilanesberg National Park. We'd taken Stephen & Kelli there 3 & 1/2 years ago so it was fun to be there again with Lee & Jean! We saw lots of antelope, giraffe, elephants, zebra, wildebeest, hippo and warthogs. At one point there was a warthog running alongside the road by our car and Joshua kept saying it was a baby rhino looking for its mommy. Thank goodness for the booklet to let us know what each bird was and the many kinds of antelope. It was a very hot day for a game drive but seeing so many animals made it all worthwhile. We had a giraffe, elephant and zebra cross the road in front of us as we drove. The elephant was a surprise. We'd all been looking to the left at a lot of mother elephants and babies when Dan suddenly slammed on the brakes and we all hit the seats. We'd failed to notice the elephant in front of us that was almost on the road! Click on the picture above and take a ride with us through Pilanesberg!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Everyday Fun!

Everyday Fun!
We have enjoyed showing Grandpa and Grandma all the different parts of everyday life in our home. They watch Lucas play soccer with his friends and climb trees. They watch Alexis play with her dolls and play piano. They watch Joshua play with Little People toys and listen to him tell Knock, Knock jokes. They watch Rebekah throw toys out of her carseat and crawl slow and fast. The kids love having someone always available to "watch me!" I think almost every night has been "movie night" and Grandma & Grandpa have learned that our kids have memorized lines to all the movies we are watching. It's too funny to listen to our kids retell whole scenes from a movie during dinner. They usually laugh so hard that they talk over each other. It's great fun! Click on the picture of Grandpa & Joshua to see more.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Leland and Jean have arrived!

We are so excited that Dan's parents are here! The kids have so enjoyed keeping them super busy with stories, puzzles and games! The night after they arrived we took them to the Garden of Lights. It was fun to walk and see all the lights, hear Christmas music and get free candy canes. The lights are set up in the courtyard of a hotel so we enjoyed getting a pic of Lee & Jean relaxing in chairs by the pool. What a winter vacation! Click on the pic below to see more from that evening.
Garden of Lights-1
Thursday was a bit rainy so we took a trip to the Science Museum. The kids love to build in the construction site and push lots of buttons as they learn all kinds of things. It was fun to show Grandma & Grandpa around! Click below to see more.
Science Museum
Last night we took a trip to the mall because we still needed to find a few of Lucas' text books for school. We didn't find them but the kids had fun when we told them they could all choose something to ride on. Rebekah was so cute as 2 other families let her ride on the carousel with their children. She smiled the whole time and promptly cried when it was over! We were amazed to watch Lucas riding the bumper cars by himself and doing so well. He's growing up before our eyes! Click below to see more.
Eastgate Mall
Today we enjoyed playing a round of Adventure Golf. That was so fun and one hole was even through a cave. The best part was when Joshua made a Hole in One on the last hole and won a free game! He was very excited and said he wanted to sleep with the ticket under his pillow. Click below to see more!
Adventure Golf

Trip to Archie's Church

Archie's Church
Dan is still tutoring two men who are taking classes through Cape Town Baptist Seminary. One of the men, Archie, invited us to his church a few weeks ago. Previously, the church met in his home but he has recently purchased some land about an hour south of Joburg. There is no church presence in that area. We attended the first service at the new site. Archie is a project manager in a construction business so having partially built walls already there was a bonus. We drove 45 minutes to the gas station where we were to meet him. Delays happen even here so after we waited there for an hour, Archie finally was able to come and show us the way to the church. It was a long but wonderful service with 2 baby dedications, 3 baptisms and communion. There were close to 50 people present at the service which was a real encouragement to Archie and his family. We pray that God will use him mightily in that unreached area! Click on the picture of the church to see more of the service.