Thursday, April 22, 2010

Bunches of pics from March & April

Pics of the Kids
Wow! Today is my "type A - get 'er done" day! Enjoy some recent pics of our kids!

Joshua in his bouncy seat

Joshua loves to smile!

Tummy Time!

Joshua loves to play while on his tummy! I'm so glad I figured out how to put videos on our blog!

Video of Joshua

Joshua in his walker

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Neighborhood Egg Hunt

Neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt
One of our co-workers, Carla, offered to host an Easter egg hunt in her yard if we would help with inviting all the kids in our neighborhood. Lucas loved inviting the other kids! He talked to each one personally and then told them he'd knock on their door the following week when it was almost time to start. It was a great turnout as we met about 6 new kids and 4 parents! We started with the egg hunt and then I helped lead a few games. Carla shared the real reason for Easter-how Jesus died on the cross but rose again 3 days later. We celebrate a risen Lord! The kids had a great time and we have been able to continue those friendships in the last 2 weeks. We are really blessed to be in this little community where there are a lot of families with kids that we can get to know.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Happy Easter!

Easter Morning
We enjoyed our earliest sunrise service ever on Easter morning! We woke up the kids at 5:45am so we could be at Horwoods Farm (a nearby park) for the beginning of the 6am sunrise service. Four or five local evangelical churches came together and shared in the service. It was beautiful praising God outside as we watched the sun come up. What a great way to celebrate our risen Lord! Afterwards, the South African tradition is to have tea, coffee and "hot cross buns." These buns are like a roll with raisins and have a cross on the top. They are only made that way for Easter. After the service we went with another family to their house for breakfast and an egg hunt for the kids. It was a great time of fellowship and getting to know one another.

It's Getting Chilly!

Cold #2

Cold #1

Our kids were excited to show off their new stocking hats so we had to take a picture! We are now several weeks into fall and it's mostly just a bit colder at night. Without central heating it's harder to stay warm. The 2nd picture shows how we put Joshua to sleep one night. We made sure he was really bundled up. What a cute little guy!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Johannesburg Zoo

Joburg Zoo
Since we are now several weeks into autumn, we are trying to use our Saturdays to visit fun outdoor places before it gets too cold! Here are some pics from a couple weeks ago when we went to visit the zoo.