Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!!

Merry Christmas!
We pray that you are all enjoying a blessed Christmas Day as we celebrate the birth of our Saviour! We enjoy being able to teach our children more about Baby Jesus with each year. We went to the Christmas service at our church this morning and Alexis was still singing the praise songs this afternoon. It was so sweet!

Our Christmas this year was unique once again. It was warm, dry and green. Roses are still in full bloom. We got together with friends this afternoon for a Mexican meal and games. Lucas and Alexis eventually played in the sprinkler in their swimsuits. They had a blast!

We do have a prayer answer to share. We finally got all the needed paperwork for Joshua's passport filled out and we should be receiving it very soon. We had 2 new experiences while we were at the U.S. Consulate that are worth sharing. Alexis had to use the bathroom and the automatic flusher surprised her right off the seat! Lucas saw me drink from a water fountain and gave me a weird look. I asked if he wanted a drink and explained that the water was ok to drink. He loved it! He took so many drinks there was water down his shirt and in a big puddle on the floor! Oh, the joy of modern things!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Foreman Fun #2

Foreman Fun #2
We enjoyed taking Dan's parents & brother to our church. They were able to watch Lucas & Alexis in their kids Christmas program. They sang Christmas songs and then put on their swimsuits for a slip-n-slide, end-of-the-year party! It's hard to think "Christmas" when it's so warm and there is no snow, no lights, no boots/mittens/scarves, etc. Instead we're getting suntans (burns really) and going barefoot. We have done a little decorating in our home. We put up our 18 inch tree and stockings! There are a few pictures of when we all played mini golf. That's it for now since a little boy is calling my name....Have a super day!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Fun with the Foremans!

Foreman Fun!
Dan's parents and his older brother, Joel, arrived on Monday, Nov. 30. We gave them a day to get over jet lag and then we were off! We wanted to see some new sights as well as show them some of our favorites. We visited a Rhino & Lion game park and saw lots of animals. They watched Lucas' first baseball game (those pics are already on our blog) and visited a Dutch bakery near our home. This was of particular interest since both Lee & Jean's families are from Holland. They enjoyed watching Lucas as a shepherd and Alexis as an angel in the younger kids Christmas play at our church. We also heard the Johannesburg orchestra perform a Christmas concert. They attended a large braai (BBQ) at Dan's office and have spent countless hours holding Joshua and entertaining Lucas & Alexis. We have played many games of Rummikub and enjoyed reruns of "I Love Lucy" and Bob Newhart. In a nutshell, we have had a wonderful time so far and have a few more adventures planned before they leave on Sunday.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

More fun with Grandma!

More fun with mom!
My mom was a huge help the whole time she was here! We wanted to make sure she was also able to enjoy the sights of South Africa so in the last 2 weeks of her visit we tried to take her to fun places. We visited several restaurants and malls besides some of the other things we've shared previously. We found a few more souvenirs but she had a few surprises up her sleeve as well. Check out the picture of the gift she brought in one of her suitcases! She definitely deserves the "Expert Packer" award. We enjoyed playing many table games - especially Rummikub. We laughed at the amount of pictures we took of Joshua as we tried to create our own backgrounds for his "photo sessions" in our bedroom. We are pleased to announce that our 3rd child doesn't appear to be lacking in the picture department as of yet. We also had fun decorating our 18 inch, 25 cent, Walmart special Christmas tree. It doesn't really feel like Christmas with 80 degree weather but we are trying to at least make it look a little like Christmas. It was a wonderful blessing to have my mom come. We had a fantastic time together and saying goodbye is always hard. We love you mom and we miss you!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Play Ball!

Lucas' first baseball game.
Lucas played in his first baseball game yesterday! We heard about the league through a friend here and they had a team for 4-6 year olds. This was great for a little boy with lots of energy! The team's name is the IMPS (not something we'd pick but...). Lucas had 3 base hits and was so cute to watch because he didn't want to stop at first base. He ran all the way home 2 different times and we had to get him to run back to first base and stay there! He has two coaches and they are great at making the practices and games so much fun for the kids.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The Pretoria Zoo

Pretoria Zoo & other Misc.
We enjoyed a visit to the Pretoria Zoo with my mom and want to share those pictures with you. It's always fun to see so many animals! There are also a few misc. pictures that we included just for fun! We hope you are having a great day!