Wednesday, June 17, 2009

What a Weekend!

Fun with our Friends!
The weekend of May 23-24 was one huge party! We had adventures at the beach and Magic Land with 3 other IMB families. The fun part is that each family has 2 kids almost the same ages as Lucas and Alexis. 8 adults and 8 kids made for a really fun time! This was a special time for all of us because we don't know if our kids will ever be together like this again. One family was leaving for stateside assignment, another returned to their village in Senegal the following week, another is moving to South America and we are moving to South Africa. But our kids have developed friendships over the last year and this was a time to celebrate!

Friday, June 5, 2009

May Fun-#2!

May 2009-#2
After a couple of quieter "winter" months, we've had a couple of wonderful opportunities to play with other kids this month. These pics show a few of those moments.

There are still things about the culture that surprise us and make us laugh or look at each other in wonder. Here's a small sampling....First, our closest good grocery store has started selling cow tongues and rabbits. The rabbits really took me by surprise and not just because I've never even seen one here. They skin 'em, wrap 'em in saran wrap and place them in the front of the meat display. They still have their eyes & ears so it weirds me out a little every time I see them. Then just the other week the garbage guys went on strike. Trash piles up fast but we were still surprised the next week when the garbage truck came 6 days in a row! Lastly, our night guard's name is Arfone. He's a very nice young man but he will often ring our doorbell right when we're putting our kids to bed. He'll ask Dan to park 2-3 inches closer to the building or tell him that he needs to turn the tires so they're totally straight. The Senegalese seem to be perfectionists when it comes to parking!