Thursday, December 23, 2010

It's Our 10th Anniversary!

10th Anniversary!

Wow! It's been an awesome 10 years and we are still so glad to be married to each other! Even though we didn't have grandparents nearby to watch our kids, a good friend of ours watched our kids so we could go out overnight. Dan just brought me a bunch of pink roses-so romantic!! I'm sooooo thankful for the wonderful husband I have!

Activities in December

December 2010

This month has been fast and fun so we've just put a whole bunch of pictures together of what we've been up to. Click on the cute pic of our kids to see lots more. The photos will hopefully explain themselves! Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Alexis' Piano Performance

Piano 1

Piano 2

Alexis had her end-of-the-year piano class performance. She and 4 other children from her class played together. They each had a little cloth mouse and used that mouse to play high notes then low notes. Then they played on the black keys and did glissandos on the white keys. It was too cute to watch the teacher trying to get five 4 year olds to do the same thing at the same time!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The "Library"

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Library #1

style="margin:1px 0 0 4px;">
Library #2

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Library #3

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Library #4

I took these pics awhile ago but thought they were too cute to pass up! Lucas and Alexis turned our living room into a library and helped Dan & I check out books. Our kids have such great imaginations!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Christmas before Thanksgiving!

Christmas #1

Christmas #2

Many people go on holiday (vacation) starting Dec. 15 for about one month. This means all schools including Sunday School finish by the end of November. Lucas & Alexis had their Sunday School Christmas program before we celebrated Thanksgiving! Click on the pic of Lucas the bird to catch a few more photos of that fun day!