Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Rebekah at 11 months!

Rebekah-11 months-1
Rebekah-11 months-2
Rebekah-11 months-3
Rebekah-11 months-4
Our little princess is 11 months old now! Amazing how time has gone by but we have surely enjoyed every minute! She is 26 & 1/2 inches and still weighs 14 pounds-just a little girl! We were having trouble with fresh milk but she can drink soy milk. She is pulling up on everything and crawling so fast! We really have to keep an eye out for what's on our floors! We've found some interesting things in her mouth! Thank you Grandma for praying that she will be able to spit it back out! We also love to hear her say "mama" and "dada".

1 comment:

Paul said...

So precious and beautiful!