Tuesday, December 25, 2012


Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas
Rebekah chewed the corner off this gift!
Garden of Lights
We visited the Garden of Lights with some friends. The lights have been displayed each Christmas the last 4 years and are a wonderful way for us to remember some of the things we miss back home! Click on Alexis to see a few more photos.
Santa's Playground
A carnival came to town and we enjoyed going as a family with some friends. The kids had fun and really enjoyed the rides. Click on the pic above to see more!
OOF Christmas Party
Dan's finance office had a Christmas party last week. We are still getting used to swimsuits and hot weather for Christmas! Our kids think this is normal but Dan & I are certainly more used to snow, hats & gloves and boots! The kids received some neat water guns that recycle plastic water bottles. Click on Alexis in the pool and you'll see Joshua & Lucas with them.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Christmas Activities

Christmas cookies
We've had many fun things to do this Christmas season. Our biggest event was inviting other MKs and their moms to make Christmas cookies at our house. We had a HUGE turnout! 6 moms and 25 kids! (not including us!) It was a PARTY!!! Lots of yummy cookies to eat! There are a few more pics when you click on the cookie picture above!
Christmas program
This past weekend we had our Christmas party with the support center where Dan works. All the kids together acted out the Christmas story. Lucas was a wiseman, Alexis was a sheep and Joshua was a donkey. We don't have any pictures because Dan was busy with Rebekah and I was busy playing my flute! It was a great joy to do that again as it has been too long since I last played. We enjoyed singing many Christmas carols!
Lucas' gingerbread house
Alexis' gingerbread house
Joshua's gingerbread house
Our kids had wonderful fun at a friend's house yesterday making Gingerbread Houses! What cool creations!
Lucas' last days of school
I couldn't resist getting these great photos of Lucas in here. He had 2 programs to finish off the year: one for incoming first graders and one to celebrate his moving on to 2nd grade! Lucas was also excited to receive a new Bible for memorizing all his verses this year! Click on Lucas to see more.
Alexis' Homeschool program
Alexis also had an End-of-the-Year program with a few other homeschool children. They all sang a song and recited verses. Alexis read us a story and sang "Silent Night". It has been so fun to watch her confidence grow! She has learned so much this year! Click on her photo to see a few more pictures as well.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Rebekah at 11 months!

Rebekah-11 months-1
Rebekah-11 months-2
Rebekah-11 months-3
Rebekah-11 months-4
Our little princess is 11 months old now! Amazing how time has gone by but we have surely enjoyed every minute! She is 26 & 1/2 inches and still weighs 14 pounds-just a little girl! We were having trouble with fresh milk but she can drink soy milk. She is pulling up on everything and crawling so fast! We really have to keep an eye out for what's on our floors! We've found some interesting things in her mouth! Thank you Grandma for praying that she will be able to spit it back out! We also love to hear her say "mama" and "dada".