Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Rebekah at 6 months

Rebekah-6 months
Rebekah has really become such a content and happy baby. She loves watching her siblings no matter what they are playing. She also loves to be held and we love holding her! She's great riding in the car which is good because we have a bit of a drive to pick up Lucas after school every day. Rebekah can pull her socks off which means she's found her toes and loves to chew on them! She is now 25 inches long and weighs almost 12 pounds. Many people comment on how small she is but she's on the same track as all our other kids so we know she's growing just fine. She still sucks her left thumb but has started holding (a little too tightly) to my hair with her other hand. I now wear a lot of pony tails! Rebekah also loves the bathtub and used to get her sister in trouble until we realized she was the one kicking the water out of the tub! Click on the picture above to see a few more of the things she's been doing lately.

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