Tuesday, May 4, 2010

World Cup 2010

April #2
Rain, rain, go away. Come again another day! It's been raining off and on for almost 2 weeks now. We sure never imagined this much rain when we thought of living in Africa! Our family has been sick this last week so it's actually been easier to stay inside and not feel like you're missing something.

South Africa has World Cup fever! There are jerseys, flags, hats, etc. being sold in stores and on street corners. The World Cup will be here June 11 - July 11. The communication team at the Support Center has put together a website where you can keep track of all the news including ministries taking place during that time. Check out www.WorldSoccerJourneys.com for lots of fun information!

A few fun things happened in April...Allison celebrated her birthday and Lucas' baseball league had its Prize-Giving (Award Ceremony). Lucas now has his first baseball trophy and thinks that is just awesome! Check out these photos and more by clicking on the picture above.

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