Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Family Fun Nights!

Movie Night
One of the great things about living in Africa is the slower pace of life. There are a few scenic places to visit (we have seen them)and a few adventures to have (we've done most of them)and then there is free time. We don't have movie theaters, shopping centers, bowling alleys, etc. but we do have lots of time to be together as a family. So, we wanted to share a few of the things that we do since we have family fun nights, well....every night!

A family favorite is "Hide and Seek". Dan is most creative in his hiding and the kids love looking for him with their flashlights. We play in the dark regardless of whether or not we have electricity. We play "Duck, Duck, Goose." Alexis and I (Allison) played this tonight which was a little tricky with only the 2 of us but we did make it work! We race through our apartment or play "Tag." Sometimes we sing along with a worship DVD or do silly tricks on our gymnastics mat. Every other week we take a walk to Dakar Academy and check out books. This helps us to slow down our adventurous evenings! But by far, Lucas and Alexis' favorite way to spend an evening is with a movie and popcorn.

Here's a fun story from the last time we walked to check out books. We arrived after school was out and as we were walking by some classrooms, Lucas found one that was open. He popped in and saw an African man sitting at the teacher's desk. He promptly said, "Je m'apelle Lucas" which means "My name is Lucas." I laughed when I realized he had just spoken to the French teacher!

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