Friday, March 29, 2013

Finance Retreat at Sun City

Sun City 2013
The finance team enjoyed a retreat in the middle of March. Lots of fun and refreshment as well as encouraging team meetings where we studied the Sermon on the Mount. It was a time to say hello to a new family who just joined the team and a time to say goodbye to a family who is going stateside and returning elsewhere. Click on the pic of our family to see more photos from the retreat. It was a really neat place to stay. Dan, Lucas, Alexis and I (Allison) were recognized as having served 5 yrs with the IMB. It's officially the end of April but wow! The time has gone quickly but we are so content where we are! This really is what God has for us and we are enjoying seeing Him at work all around us. Thank you for staying connected with us through prayer, emails and by reading this blog! We appreciate it and couldn't do it without your support!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

At Home with Joshua & Rebekah

I love getting to stay home each day with Joshua & Rebekah. I thought I'd give you a peek at a few of the things we do together!\
J & R-1
We received this swing set free from a family that was finished with it. Our kids are having lots of fun!
We visited at our neighbor's house the other day and the kids had fun playing together. Mitchell is about 18 months old.
Neighbor Fun-2
Then Joshua & Alexis had fun on the trampoline with Shogalala-another neighborhood boy.
Neighbor Fun-1

Friday, March 1, 2013

A package arrived!

We can guess but we can never truly tell when a package will actually arrive. So, Rebekah received a birthday package just recently in the mail and we had fun taking more birthday pictures of her!