Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Tokoza Bible Study

Tokoza Bible Study
Since August, Dan has been helping with a Bible study in Tokoza, a nearby township. He drives out every Wednesday morning and picks up Pastor Benias before heading to the house where the Bible study takes place. Dan and Pastor Benias take turns leading the Bible study. There are usually about 6 people or so who attend the Bible study. This has been a great way for Dan to get out of office and be involved in the lives of the local people. They are trying to start a church in the area. They have found land and are now trying to build a place to meet. Here are a few pictures that were taken by Dan's dad when he and Dan's brother, Joel, attended the Bible study in December.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Happy Birthday Dan!

Dan's Birthday
Dan celebrated his birthday on March 9! We enjoyed surprising him all day!! First, the kids and I came to his office, put a blindfold on him and led him out to the car. We took him to play a round of Adventure Golf. Next we went out for lunch at Wimpy's (yes, it's an odd name but they have good hamburgers). Dan did have to get some work done so we took him back to the office while we took naps. I think we got the better end of that deal! Then we went back to work with a cake and celebrated with his co-workers in the finance office. The only suprise that didn't work out was when we gave him his present. I showed the kids what it was a minute before we walked out to give it to Dan. On the way out Alexis says, "Daddy, you're getting a rugby ball." Oh, well! All the other surprises worked and Dan had a fun birthday!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Weekend Getaway

EBC Weekend Getaway

Fun quotes from our weekend:

Joshua - "Who's gonna hold me next?"
Lucas - "What should I do until you all wake up?"
Alexis - "Can we go back to vacation after breakfast?" (This was the day after we got home)
Allison - "Where's Joshua?"
Dan - "This is a salt water pool!" (This seems to be quite common here as it is apparently easier to keep clean.)

The Weekend Getaway was held at Heronbridge College which also has a retreat center. We so enjoyed the opportunity to get to know so many people form church. Our kids were a hit...especially Joshua who got passed around and around and around. Of course, he entertained well with all his smiles and coos. The second night we got to try our hand at barn dancing, line dancing, etc. Dan actually danced but made it very clear that this was the first and last time! The weather stayed sunny even though we arrived in a thunderstorm. We greatly enjoyed our time away and came back refreshed. Just click on the picture above and you can see a few pictures from our weekend.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Pass the Parcel!

February 2010

Lucas and Alexis went to the birthday party of the neighbor boy who lives across the street. They played a game called "Pass the Parcel." You pass a gift that's been wrapped many times. Each time the music stops you unwrap another layer towards the gift. The child who takes off the last layer of wrapping paper gets to keep the gift. The funniest part of it all is how you pronounce the name of the game. Our kids kept telling us they played "Pass the Parcel" but it sounded more like "Pass the Paahsul." Any time Dan & I tried to say it ourselves our children were quick to correct us. Apparently we couldn't say it right or get the accent to go with it!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Daddy Time!

Daddy Time!
Wow! I didn't realize it'd been so long since I'd put something new on our blog. Dan just finished three very intense weeks of training on new financial software. Even with the extra hours he had to put in, Dan still was still able to spend fun time with the kids. I was able to capture a few of those moments on camera and would like to share them with you.

Here's a fun question Lucas asked me just the other day. We were singing the song, "Open the Eyes of my Heart, Lord." He asked me, "How many eyes does my heart have? One or two?" I did my best to explain it but he still had a very puzzled look on his face!