Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Irene Market & Adventure Golf

Market & Golf
We enjoyed taking my mom to visit a few places here in Johannesburg each week. These pics are from early November and are of a trip to an outdoor African market and to play mini-golf. It was fun seeing life through her eyes. We've forgotten how unusual our life can sometimes be. One such thing we didn't get a picture of but it was an awesome sight. We saw the back of a dump truck packed full of guys going home from work. They were all standing and holding on to each other or the side of the truck-had to be at least 50 or more of them.

My mom just flew back to the U.S. two days ago and it was such a blessing having her here! We'll share more of our pictures over the next few days.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Friday, November 20, 2009

The Bunny Farm

Bunny Farm, etc.
Well, it's been raining for 5 days straight so I've had some extra "inside time" to get a few things done. We didn't know when we moved here that we could get sunburns one weekend and be freezing cold the next! We've heard that the weather has been very unusual this year. If only we hadn't told my mom to just pack summer clothes.....whoops! On one of the warmer days we were able to visit a bunny farm. The kids had a blast and we were glad for an outing. Here's a few pics of that as well as some of Joshua and other things we did with my mom. Enjoy!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

A Princess Birthday

Alexis' 3rd Birthday
Alexis celebrated her 3rd birthday on October 29. The color of the day was "pink" and the theme was "princess." She had a wonderful time and we hope you enjoy these photos of her special day!

Friday, November 6, 2009

She'll be coming on an airplane when she comes!

Grandma comes to visit
Well, we have survived our first normal week with Joshua at home and it has been wonderful. He is a very good baby and Lucas and Alexis just love to hold him and give him kisses. This also allowed me the opportunity to work on showing you more pictures. So, here's a few from when my mom landed in Johannesburg on Wed., Oct. 21 after her first ever international flight. It was quite the experience for her and she had a great time. She was simply glad to be here before Joshua was born and now she can enjoy all our children the whole time she's here.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

To the Hospital Again

Baby Joshua came home Sunday afternoon but by Wednesday morning he was not doing so well. We noticed that his color had changed a bit and we had him tested for jaundice. His levels were elevated enough that the doctor requested that we bring him back to the hospital. We didn't know at that time that we'd have to leave him there for 2 days and nights. That was hard on mom and dad but Joshua was able to come back home by Friday morning. We are so thankful that he is doing very well now. It was a bit of a stressful time as Alexis celebrated her 3rd birthday on Thursday so inbetween the birthday festivities we made 3 trips to the hospital to visit Joshua. We are so glad that is all behind us and our family is home and healthy! Alexis had a great birthday and we'll get those pics up soon. For now we just wanted to show you Joshua's new shades!